
CEFCO avatar

Project manager

09.2019 - 10.2020, CEFCO Fribourg
Learning project management according to IPMA/PMI standards and a part of agile methodology.

HEIA avatar

Bachelor of Computer Science

07.2015 - 07.2018, School of Engineering and Architecture Fribourg
Specialization in software development.

emf avatar

IT specialist

07.2010 - 07.2014, Ecole des métiers de Fribourg

IT Experiences

OCD avatar

Project Manager

10.2021 - present, Orange Cyberdefense Switzerland
Project manager for the offensive division and coordinator of the event Insomni'hack ( website )

Tecost avatar

Full-stack developer

11.2018 - 09.2021, Tecost SA
Development of desktop and mobile applications for various medical services (hospitals, home care, social medical institutions).

prediggo's avatar


06-09.2015, Prediggo SA
As a intern in software development.

BSC Computer's avatar


01-04 2014, BSC computer systeme GMBH Germany
In my last year of studies in EMF, as a IT-Specialist intern in design and software development.

Other Experiences

Etu'sound festival avatar


2020 - 2023, Etu'Sound Festival
Manage the coordination to ensure the smooth running of the festival and related events. Create a good atmosphere in the committee with teambuildings. Managing the recruitment of new committee members.

Phoenix security's avatar

Security Agent

2017-2018, Phoenix Security
As a job nearby my studies.

Swiss Army's avatar


10.2014 - 02.2014, Swiss Army
As CCF soldier (transmission) in Artillery Swiss Army.